Hello internet person that is bored enough to find this. This blog exists for me to write about various films, animations, and other escapism material that seems to be getting forgotten by the general populace. There shall be criticisms, tidbits of information, the occasional mocking, and sometimes my own stories or games. What makes me qualified to lecture you all on a subject you are already very familiar with? I'll tell you what, nothing! The thoughts in the articles are my opinions only, do not be offended if they do not match your own.
What I hope will happen is that you learn about an old film that is not shown on TV anymore, that does not have cult-classic status, but is still entertaining or thought provoking. Enjoy.
What I hope will happen is that you learn about an old film that is not shown on TV anymore, that does not have cult-classic status, but is still entertaining or thought provoking. Enjoy.
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